11:04 PM

Don't Miss the Point

God showed me something about how easily I become distracted by the unimportant and miss the point.

This morning I got on youtube to worship in the comfort of my bedroom.  I looked up "Hosanna" by Hillsong and while waiting for the annoying ad to pass I started reading the comments underneath the video.  Ohhh the dra-ma!  People were tearing each other apart.  Christians against atheists.  Christians against other Christians.  It was a mess and I found myself hooked.  I was picking sides and getting defensive of people and angry at others.

Then the song ended.

I felt a slight moment of guilt and then hit replay and the song started again but by then the baby was crying and I had to turn it off.

Once the kids were tucked into bed tonight I started "researching" opinions on doctrine and getting angry and frustrated because of what others believe and whether or not I agree with said people.  Then I replayed this mornings failed attempt at worship back in my mind.  It is a perfect metaphor for what I do repeatedly in life.  I get caught up in my own opinions of the bible vs. the opinions and beliefs of others and miss out on opportunities to worship God and commune with Him.  Not that it's unimportant to know what one believes about Jesus but it is far more important to spend time with Him!  Why spend time arguing about Him or watching others argue (since I'm severely anti-confrontational) when I can spend time WITH him!!!

My point being: I want to spend more time walking with Jesus than I do arguing with others about Him.

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