5:08 PM

Sh*t anti-feminists say.

I had a statement made to me awhile back that I can't seem to shake.

A statement that didn't sit right.

A statement that made me sad.

A statement that I can't believe is being made in the year 2013.

What was this unnerving statement, you ask?

"Our sons are like arrows.  We must figure out where our sons want to go in life and then shoot them in that direction.  But, our daughters need a different type of education.  They will be wives and mothers so our main focus needs to be preparing them for those roles."


I totally agree with helping our sons figure out their strengths and then encouraging them in that direction.  But, call me crazy, I want those same things for my daughter.  I don't ever want her to think that her only "right" future is one of laundry, diapers and Betty Crocker recipes just because she was born with a vagina.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home mom when she grows up.  That's my life and I love it (most of the time).  But, what I don't want is for her to think that is the ONLY option available to her.  That somehow being an astronaut, mechanic, teacher, or engineer are impossible or inappropriate choices for her.  That because she is a woman she is not capable or worthy of dreams for herself outside of marriage and babies.

I used to say that I was an "anti-feminist" but that was before I knew what feminism really was.  The extremist "men drool and women rule" type of feminist is not a true feminist.  That crazy ass woman is an elitist biznatch.  I hated feminism because I thought it meant believing women are superior to men and I do NOT believe that.  I have never believed either sex is superior to the other.

True feminism is believing that women and men were created equal and as such are due equal rights.  I now wholeheartedly consider myself a feminist.

I want my daughter to know she can follow her dreams, no matter what they might be.  I want her to know that being a woman does not make her less than.  I want her to know that whether she wants to get married or not, be a mother or not, work or not, she is still a woman worthy of respect and love.

I want all of my children to know that they were created by a loving Creator.  That they were fearfully and wonderfully made.  That they are more than their gender, sexual orientation or career choice.

I do not ever want to limit them.

Our children are capable of greatness and that includes our daughters.

Let's help our girls dream big.


I am in complete shock that this type of sexism still exists and that women themselves are perpetrating it.

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

1 comment:

  1. Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not even gonna ask who said that to you or where that came from. Unreal. I love this post. I just figured out how to follow (I'm not too good with the blogs LOL) but the entries that you've posted are awesome so I'm following now (I think...)
