I absolutely hate this expression... and here's why.
1. It implies that perfection exists.
As I stated in my last post I do not believe perfection is a real thing. The sooner you realize that there's no such thing as perfection the sooner you can relax and just be... imperfections and all.
2. It creates an unattainable goal for children.
Unfortunately, this phrase is often geared at kids.
Little Johnny keeps striking out at his baseball game and his well intentioned Dad tells him, "Keep practicing son, 'practice makes perfect'".
Little Suzy has trouble mastering "Mary had a Little Lamb" on the piano and her Mother tries to encourage her, "Practice makes perfect!".
This sends the child the message that perfection could be reached if only they would try harder.
3. It's a lie.
No amount of practice will ever make you perfect.
As much as I loath the idea of perfection as a goal I do love the sentiment behind this statement.
Practice. Don't give up. Keep on keeping on.
Those are all things I believe in.
Let's just change the last little word.
Practice makes
Yes, I like that.
Practice makes PROGRESS.
Progress is real and it's enough.
Not giving up and trying again, even when it's hard, will surely get you progress and that's the very most we can ask for.
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