10:37 AM

When I can't decide

I feel like I'm in this weird waiting zone in life right now.  I have so many decisions to make and I don't feel close to a resolution on any of them.  I keep mulling over the options in my mind.  This gets me nowhere because I have the gift/curse of being able to see all sides of any given issue.  Just as I feel like I have convinced myself of a decision the other side rears it's head and I'm confused and undecided once again.

This morning I open my "Jesus Calling" devotional by Sarah Young and here is what I read:
"Save your best striving for seeking My face.  I am constantly communicating with you.  To find Me and hear My voice, you must seek Me above all else.  Anything that you desire more than Me becomes an idol.  When you are determined to get your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness.  Instead of single-mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it.  Let the Light of My Presence shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it form My perspective.  If the goal fits into My plans for you, I will help you reach it.  If it is contrary to My will for you, I will gradually change the desire of your heart.  Seek Me first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece."

Wow!  God's timing is always so perfect!  I realize that I must seek God first.  In all of the decisions on my plate right now I had not sought God's counsel.  I had not even considered asking God to guide my choices.  After reading this I prayed and asked God for guidance.  I apologized for jumping into so many ventures without first seeking Him.  I asked that He would help me to sort out all of the options that lay before me at this time.  He immediately answered me by laying scripture on my heart.  I heard that still small voice respond "Let My peace be an umpire for you.  Let it decide what is in and what is out in your life.  Follow My peace."  I searched for this verse and found: Colossians3:15 "And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live].  And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]." (Amplified Bible)

God is so faithful!  I must praise Him and thank Him for all He does in my life.  I may not have all the answers to my questions just yet but I am content in knowing that the peace of Christ will guide me.  I will follow that peace and trust that God will make my paths straight.  Is there a decision in your life that you feel confused and restless about?  I pray that you would seek Him first and trust He is guiding your steps.  You don't need to worry for one more minute!  Seek Him.

I will leave you with this verse:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs3:5-6


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