9:44 AM

Taking Steps

What's the next step?!?!?!?!

I am always trying to figure out what the next step is that God wants me to take.  It comes from a good place in my heart that seeks to please God and do His will in my life.  Buuuut, it can also turn into an all consuming obsession that paralyzes me with indecision.  Do I go this way or that way?  Is this my "calling" or is that my "calling"?  Are you leading me here or there?  I think You are calling me in this direction but what if I'm wrong and mess up Your plan for my life???  You see what I mean?  Then I end up so confused that I do... nothing!

When we walk we take steps.

My son randomly said these words to me while I tucked him into bed one evening.  He had no idea that I was currently begging God for the next steps for our family.

In that moment I was thinking "What are you talking about child?  I'm telling you "goodnight" and your response is to tell me the obvious process of taking steps as we walk?  Are you trying to confuse me so you can stay up later?  It's working..."

As I nodded my head and said (in that familiar whatever parenting tone) "ah ha... yeah... ok... goodnight"

I was ready to completely dismiss this statement as the random babbling of a six year old when God brought it all into focus.

"You've been begging me for the next step and I just gave you the answer!"


Right then it all became very clear to me.  God doesn't need me to figure everything out.  He doesn't need me to know the next step.  He doesn't need me to fear messing up His plan (if you look at the bible it is clear that people make huuuuge mistakes but they do not ever mess up His plan because He is God and we are not)  He just wants my love and friendship.  He just wants me to walk with Him trusting that He will direct my steps as I walk.  It's almost like I've heard this before somewhere:

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track." Proverbs 3:5-6 [the message]

I do not have to figure everything out?!?!  How freeing is that??  I have the freedom to just love Jesus and cling to Him?  To walk with Him and talk with Him without the pressure of having to figure out every step He wants me to take before I take it?  AMAZING

Are you struggling to figure out what God's next step is for you?  Seek to walk with Him and trust that He will guide your steps!

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