6:31 PM

Sticky Rice

Whoever said "necessity is the mother of innovation" sure knew what they were talking about!

If you're a parent I am sure you have experienced the insurmountable mess caused by rice thrown or dropped all over your floor by kids or toddlers.

There are a few ways I would regularly tackle this situation:

1.  Sweep it up.  When the rice is fresh it's sticky.  Attempting to sweep sticky rice is like trying to piss into the wind.  You can do it if you want to but it's undesirable and messy.

2.  Leave it.  To avoid situation number "1" I have often left the rice on the floor until the next morning when it has dried out and can be easily swept up.

3.  Paper towels/wash rag.  You can get a wet towel of some sort and awkwardly try to scoop it up.  I refuse to do this because it involves a lot of bending down and we all know I don't like to work very hard.

I generally choose option "2" but now that we have the dog I need to clean up whatever the kids drop or he will eat it.  Yes, I'm that pet owner that won't let their dog eat scraps.  Get over it.

Well folks I am happy to report that tonight I discovered a new way to pick up rice.  (If you already discovered this then good for you but I'm still taking credit)

So here it is:

Pick up a larger clump of rice.  Use that clump to pick up the rest of the rice.  The rice sticks to itself much like playdough.

You're welcome.

Carry on.


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